Regardless of your child's age, as an empathic and sensitive parent, you probably find yourself knowing and tending to your child's needs even before they are aware of them, or you pick on their energy and thoughts and confuse them as yours.
On the one hand, being an empath is an amazing ability, but when unconscious and we merge like that with our children, we tend to enable them, to lose touch with our needs and wants and to feel burned out.
Learning to be present and engaged with our children while not losing ourselves is an important balancing act.

Watch the replay to learn how to stay connected with yourself while tending to your children so that you can have a healthy relationship with them and yourself.


Meet Michal Berg

As President and CEO of Spirituality For Kids International, a certified parenting coach, and a mother of five perfectly imperfect human beings, I’ve come to see parenting as a transformational journey, both for our children and us as parents. As we parent our children, we also have the opportunity to grow up, to let go of old patterns and learn how to communicate consciously and build a deep connection with our children.

Thank you for your courage and desire to be the best parent you can be. It would be my honor and a great privilege to be alongside you on this journey.